How do you feel about

The House voted earlier this month to establish a select committee to conduct what will be the eighth investigation into the attack,, a panel that Democrats reluctantly joined.

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THE ISSUE: Elections for federal,the chairman,, state and local offices will be held here this year. Filing is set for mid-to late May.WE BELIEVE: These elections should be used to pin candidates down about what they really and specifically believe about open governmentTELL US WHAT YOU THINK: Contact us via email at .When the WTE first started interviewing political candidates in 2000,29 PM EDT2014-06-01 02, we made it a point to ask all would-be officeholders about how they felt about open government.All of them said they favored it. In hindsight, that should have been obvious. What candidate is going to say, during an election,who already has a mantel full of lesser prizes,coach outlet store online, that he or she wants to shut the voters out of their government?But when these candidates got into office,coach outlet, their actions rarely reflected their words. They always seemed to find some rationale to withhold documents, meet in secret or flee any serious effort to make government more open to the people.Yet this question of openness is critical. It shows how candidates truly feel about their constituents.When they argue that a meeting has to be closed so they can talk candidly, what they are saying is: The voters can t be trusted to understand the issues.When they seek to delay release of documents or charge illegal search fees to let the people see them,with Bangladesh, they are saying staff time and government resources are more important than is providing easy access to the owners of those records.When they try to hire for key positions, like college presidents, behind closed doors,coach outlet online,other statesCircus acrobat willing to do hair-hanging again, they are saying they are smarter than those who put them in office. Besides, the public just makes things messy.It s a mindset thing. Prior to an election,chanel bags, candidates say they want to serve the people. After, they spend more time focusing on staff, or tending their resources, or kissing up to party leadership.Well, it is that time again. Candidates will be filing for office in May. In 2012, we were specific on these matters when we talked with candidates; that will be our goal this year,Cheap USA chanel On Sale Chanel Outlet Online Store, and it should be yours. Let s find out how they really feel about openness.To mark Sunshine Week 2014,�� Saburo Katoh,, we are urging voters to focus on open government in the upcoming elections. Here are some questions they might ask as well as the answers they should expect.Mr./Ms. Candidate: How do you feel about:n Charging taxpayers to inspect documents? Proper response: That is wrong. People have a right to review public records. They are the owners of them.n The efforts to hire the president of the University of Wyoming in secret? Proper response: It was a bad idea. It shut the people out of the process.n Officials meeting behind closed doors to discuss policies like employee pay levels? Proper response: The public should view all of these discussions. It is their money that is being spent.n Policy matters being discussed by email or by texting during meetings to avoid public scrutiny? Proper response: That shouldn t happen.n The Legislature not being required to hold open meetings? Proper response: Lawmakers must be under the same requirements as other officials.There are many other such questions, and residents should decide which issues are important to them. And they should be deal-breakers. If candidates cannot support government access, they should not be elected.There is only one way to push Wyoming toward an atmosphere of greater openness: by electing those officials who truly believe in it.

n Katelyn Frost of Corvallis won the pole vault,chanel outlet online, ending Sidney��s streak of seven consecutive state champions. The Eagles had three among the top six with Erin Harris placing third and Lexi Prevost and Aubrey Kessel sharing fourth.

Brantley doesn t have the charisma of Indians first baseman Nick Swisher, doesn t carry himself with the down-to-earth ease of center fielder Michael Bourn and certainly doesn t possess the life-of-the-party swagger of utility man Mike Aviles.

(The report reaches a number of other conclusions, including one that Baltimoreans should be able to relate to: "A city's reputation does not always correspond to its reality.")

Six Indian American youngsters made it among 12 finalists after top contender Vanya Shivashankar of Olathe, Kansas, was eliminated in the semi-finals Thursday.

Some worshipers reportedly interrupted the imam s sermon at the Khrainej Mosque when he criticized the presidential elections in his home country. An argument ensued after the imam defended his right to comment on the general situation in his homeland, according to eyewitnesses. Police soon arrived at the scene in response to emergency calls made after the situation spiraled out of control. The imam and some worshipers,Foreign Minister and Chairman of National Media Council, believed to be all Egyptians as well,including Lehman Brothers and Bear Stearns, were taken to Farwaniya police station for questioning. There were no indications that a physical confrontation happened during the quarrel.