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UNITED NATIONS,chanel outlet, May 27 -- As the global community strives to reach the eight anti-poverty objectives outlined by the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), a high-ranking UN official has called attention to the fact that 6.9 million children under the age of five die every year.

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OSLO: Norway s parliament will try to force oil rigs in a large area under development in the North Sea to use electricity from land, an environmentally friendly move but one that could push up costs and delay projects.A majority of parliamentary parties announced plans on Friday to require producers in the Utsira High area, including Johan Sverdrup,coach outlet store online, the country s single biggest development, to get power from shore, a more stringent requirement than the government supports. We re telling the government to demand a comprehensive solution that will encompass the area s full need for power, Labour Party MP Terje Aasland told a news conference. We re completely certain this can happen without causing delays. Statoil said it would study the proposal,chanel bags, but a one-year delay at Sverdrup would result in a net present value loss of 20 billion crowns ($3.4 billion) before tax. If politicians continue to deal with the oil sector in such an unpredictable way, it could mean lost jobs and lost revenue,www.westboroughpolice.com/coachbags.html, said Erling Kvadsheim,coach outlet online, the director of industrial policy at the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association.The Utsira High projects include Statoil s Sverdrup field, with up to 2.9 billion barrels of oil equivalent,Florida, its Gina Krog project, Lundin Petroleum s Edvard Grieg field and Det norske s Ivar Aasen development.By using onshore electricity,http://www.westboroughpolice.com/coachbags.html,gen16859, Norway could cut its carbon dioxide emissions by as much as 1 million tonnes per year,climbing back up the ladder, estimates from the country s Petroleum Directorate showed.Hydro generators provide around 99 per cent of Norway s onshore power, but the platforms, some more than 100 kilometers out to sea,http://www.hotelwestpoint.com/onlinechanelbags.html, mostly burn diesel and gas to generate electricity.Centre Party MP Marit Arnstad, a former deputy chairman of Statoil s board who stepped down in 2012, said the oil companies should have anticipated parliament s demands for a full-scale onshore power solution. In my opinion, Statoil has known about this for a long time,Cheap USA chanel On Sale Chanel Outlet Online Store, but they may have wanted to disregard it since it hasn t been stated in a specific act of parliament, she said. The companies now have one year to come up with a practical and economical solution, and I m convinced this is something Statoil is able to handle. Oeyvind Eriksen, the head of Aker, which controls oil-service companies Kvaerner and Aker Solutions, said this week that Sverdrup was a key project for Norway and any delay could cost jobs. I think that this will delay the project, said Erik Wold, a senior partner at consultancy Rystad Energy. They will have to do things in new ways ... and it will take a long time to get all of this in place.Shares of operator Statoil were trading 0.9 per cent lower on Friday. Lundin was down 3 per cent and Det norske DETNOR.OL fell by 3.5 per cent. Kvaerner dropped 2.5 per cent and Aker Solutions 1.8 per cent. If there were to be a one-year delay, it will affect the companies,insurers have tended not to change their internal processes, said John Olaisen, an analyst at brokerage ABG Sundal Collier. It s highly uncertain whether this would delay the project. Statoil has indicated that it would ... that s why the shares are falling today. Reuters

But Quilty said the scheme punished collectors who backed young artists. ''Collectors are now aware that, if they buy an emerging artist,the owner of Pixie, they will have to pay money back in decades' time - whether that purchase has been a good investment or not.''

This attitude comes through in his portrayal of Jacob Oberdoo (1957-60), who would refuse a British Empire Medal,die t��rkische Jugend, saying that medals were for dogs. It's a portrait of extraordinary simplicity and dignity, which is especially remarkable considering we are looking at a bright-red shirt set against a pale green sky. Even at this early stage of his career, Fullbrook was full of surprises.

In addition,"Two weeks ago, GM will be required to pay tens of thousands of dollars in additional civil penalties for not responding on time to demands from the NHTSA for documents during the government's investigation.

Sturm wrote the new data review along with Ruopeng An, of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. They wrote that "Americans are spending a smaller share of their income (or corresponding amount of effort) on food than any other society in history or anywhere else in the world, yet get more for it."

In 1982, the ISEE-3 satellite was pulled away from its solar mission and joined a mini international race to make the first encounter with Halley's comet.